Good question. It invites this sort of introspection about what we want to tell about ourselves, and perhaps what we'd like not to tell. We start thinking in our heads about how the words we write will play in the heads of those who might read them. Of course we want you to see the good in us, and we're trying to be open and honest which means that you will be able to see the bad, the imperfect, and our traits that are simply not as advanced or refined as we would like. We'll try to be honest, and hope you don't judge us too harshly.
Kat: I'm from Park City, Utah and I've lived in Utah all my life. I met Dave at church. He was checking me out and I thought, "Yeah right, old man." Things have a funny way of turning out. I'm a full-time mom and overtime wife. We have five amazing kids who bring joy and a shortening lifespan in equal measures. I enjoy arts & crafts, photography, reading, snowboarding, wakeboarding/wakesurfing, and pilates & yoga. I'm confronted with my imperfections every day and trying really hard to be a better mom, a better partner, and a better person.
Dave: I'm from La Cañada, California. I moved to Utah thirty years ago. Kat's right, I was checking her out, and the truth is I looked like a doofus. I'm a full-time dad and I also work for a living. My true calling is being a daddy to our awesome kids. I like to golf, snowboard, wakesurf (getting too old for wakeboarding), and do crazy aggressive home projects; the mundane ones aren't as interesting. I'm trying to be as good as I can so that I can get into heaven with my wife and kids.
On Mormonness: We're Mormons, aka members of the Church of Jesus Christ, of Latter-day Saints. Mormons in Utah, shocker right? While we're pretty orthodox in the practice of our faith, we're not typical sociocultural examples of what you would expect from Mormons in Utah. We don't take our culture too seriously; in fact, sometimes it's really funny, and we might poke a little fun. We don't confuse the gospel of Jesus Christ with His church. We emphasize principles over programs. Dave sometimes curses like a sailor when he's (hopefully) out of earshot of his kids and neighbors; it makes him feel all tough and grown up. We love the Lord and we're trying to follow Him. We're teaching our children to trust God and trust in Jesus' salvation.
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